The Wonder Brass Quartet was born in Toulouse from a partnership of feminine musicians with different backgrounds, influenced by a variety of trends.
Through an eclectic repertoire, mixing original compositions with jazz, funk and latino influences, they play a popular, demanding and yet approachable music.
Even though most of their performances are now indoors, the Wonder Brass Quartet keeps appearing in public spaces so as to let their musical creations be heard and seen. Wonder Brass Quartet girls revisit wandering and propose an « in situ » experience by occupying the space they share with the audience. The latter, for the duration of the concert, becomes a participant in the complicity and the quartet’s feminine side, shared with humor.
Nowadays, at the crossroads of the quartet’s audacity and the fanfare’s glow, the Wonder Brass Quartet brings forth a new idea of fanfare.
MARCEILLACSoubassophone, voix
Caroline Marceillac
Soubassophone, voix
MEGUELLATISaxophone soprano, voix
Sarah Meguellati
Saxophone soprano, voix
GROULIERTrombone, voix
Eline Groulier
Trombone, voix
AMBROSIOGrosse caisse préparée, voix
Wilma Ambrosio
Grosse caisse préparée, voix